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On the sauce 飲大咗

這一篇講英文, 雖然我英文差, 臉皮厚來一次標少英語教室。先看時事摘要, 來自news.com.au的報導:

The two One Nation officials caught up in an undercover investigation say they had “got on the sauce” when they were recorded talking about soliciting millions of dollars in foreign donations from the American gun lobby.

Mr Ashby called the sting “a deliberate set-up by the Qatari government”.

He set these meetings up. This is skulduggery at its worst. This is the very first time Australia has witnessed political interference from a foreign government.”

On the sauce在這裏是指飲醉了, skulduggery 即是卑鄙無恥。

One Nation是澳洲鼓吹白人主義的右派政黨, 我在低端議員那篇約略提過。One Nation這兩天爆紅, 事緣是澳洲記者Muller夥同中東的報紙Al Jazeera(半島媒體集團)One Nation放蛇, Muller扮作熱愛槍械的組織主持人, 恰恰相反的是Muller實際上是主張管制使用槍械的。整個放蛇行動經歷3, Muller穿針引線, 介紹美國National Rifle Association的人給One Nation認識, 一方想銷售軍火, 另一方想招募捐獻, 過程被Muller偷拍了。One Nation要求的黑金是一、二千萬澳元。昨天Muller把這事捅出來, 外國勢力試圖影響國會議員放寬槍械管制的法例。若果是中國商人涉事. 大概會罵到拆天, 美國大佬嘛, 自然會淡化了。One Nation這幾個頭頭, 說自己當時got on the sauce, 飲大咗喎, 然後還要諉過於他人設局, 罵人卑鄙無恥。Muller作為agent provocateur, 我們可以道德批判他, 但他卻把這些狗黨的一言一行偷錄下來, 醜態畢露而狗急跳牆的One Nation, 惡人先告狀, 竟可以罵別人卑鄙無恥, 這世道, 甚麼都可以扭曲, 佩服之致。

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