Human rights...

Peter Wu

7 Feb 2011

Time and again, the Yanks bring out the lack of human rights issue to try to put China on the spot, as if they have nothing better to say or do.  Right on cue, Obama brought it up again during Hu’s state visit the week before.


Well I must say China can make improvements on this issue but this is not to say that the Yanks are on a morally higher ground.  They are not.


Look at how they treat the enemy ‘non-combatants’ in Guantanamo Bay.  What the hell is enemy non-combatants anyway?


Look at how they abused the inmates at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.  Look at how they tolerate some brutal and rotten-to-the-core regimes like Egypt because it suits them.  Before apartheid was done away with in South Africa (I mean South Africa as a country, not south of Africa as Sarah Palin often thinks it is), the Yanks was firmly behind its racist government because it was its allies. Same with Israel.  The Yanks cannot do without Israel as its attack dog in the Middle East.  Full stop.  Funny enough, it also tolerates some completely useless and totally incompetent regimes like the PLO and Afghanistan.  Mahmoud Abbas (do not confuse with the Swedish pop group!) has no control over Gaza Strip while Hamid Karzai is little more than the mayor of Kabul, instead of president of the country.  It is a fact he has no control over territories outside the capital.  That control belongs to Al Queda and the Pakistani Intelligence Service. I know. I am an ex-spy!!!


Does China has a hand in or condone all these?  No way.  We mind our own business.  We ‘sweep the snow at our front door.  To hell with people who have ice on their roof’, as our famous proverb says.  But we may give them some hot Congee if they are really freezing!


Stuff the Yanks.