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早兩天, 當裁判官黃證瑜把那幾個非法集結及襲擊羅冠聰的被告定罪, 並判處監禁3個月, 庭上辱罵之聲四起。明報昨天的報導就有以下的一段:



九品芝蔴官被罵, 近年司空見慣, 也不覺得是甚麼一回事了。律政司回應說, 會考慮轉介給執法機構跟進, 他們說了算, 我們也要聽了算, 被罵的「狗官」, 沒有被打, 已算運交華蓋, 乎復何求? 給辱罵了還算走運? Well, 起碼沒有亮刀在官桌上刴幾下, (前些時在Wilson Chan席前亮刀那位, 現在還收押着)也沒有在下班時被埋伏打一身, 這世道, 已算萬幸。不是嗎, 你看前朝殖民地宗主, 龍獅旗飄飄的國度, 也不比香港好得那裏去。今早看Legal Cheek, 就有這一篇報導Lord Chief Justice urges public to ‘remember judges are human’ as he reveals sad impact of online threats


Lord Burnett has revealed that, while he doesn’t believe judges should be free from criticism, the abuse they face is getting out of hand. Judges, unfortunately, “face a torrent of personal abuse for decisions they have made — increasingly online and in social media”. He also said there is “a growing number of cases where judges are threatened and physically abused”, this comment coming days after a litigant was sentenced to 20 weeks for rugby tackling a judge to the floor outside court.


文中提及被刻意襲擊的法官, 案情是這樣的:


Judge Robin Tolson likened the assault to “an unexpected rugby tackle you didn’t see coming”, The Times reporting the aggrieved divorce litigant had run across the road, collided with the judge and knocked him against a shop front and then the floor. Again according to the report, Kevin Robinson, the 44-year-old defendant, then rolled a cigarette and said: “Finally, I’ll get a new judge then.”


香港還沒有一個法官被打過, 實屬萬幸。早幾年Katherine Lo在家事法庭被離婚案的答辯人罵粗, 她處變不驚, 沒有被打, 那男人跑了(早幾年在區域法院探班, 碰到Katherine, 也忘了問她這件事)。兩年半前, 也在家事法庭, 那撲向法官的男子給書記擋住, 只打傷了書記及砸爛了電腦。所以, 香港法官命大, 只被罵沒被打


龍獅旗飄飄的年代, 你夠膽罵, 即管罵, 九品芝蔴官就運用九品的權力, 《裁判官條例》第99, 不用落案不用審, 用簡易程序即判。回歸之後國情有變, 動輒使用第99, 會被上大人罵到你狗血淋頭。唉! 又是狗。所以, 今時今日, 官做得不大, 芝蔴九品, 狗就狗喇, 別指望有人為你出頭


黃證瑜因為判了幾個「愛國」的阿伯阿婆入獄, 在網上被罵得熾烈。早兩日那班「愛港之聲」, 糾結一班人到終審法院抗議, 批評法官批准已棄保潛逃的黃台仰的保釋, 需要負上責任。有時我都想回到龍獅旗飄飄的年代, 二話不說, 把刁民收監。最好就回到包青天那些年: 大膽刁民, 如此放肆, 在公堂咆哮。來人呀! 推出去打十棍, 掌嘴五十下




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