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酒量: the safest level of drinking is none

我一向都不好杯中物, 對於飲一兩杯酒對心臓有好處,甚或紅酒因含有白藜蘆醇(resveratrol)等抗氧化元素而有益健康的講法,一向嗤之以鼻。對心臟好有甚麼好得過帶氧運動, 抗氧化的水果食物多不勝數, 靠飲酒是最笨的方法。最新一期醫學期刊《刺血針》(Lancet)發表了 "Alcohol: a study estimates the levels of alcohol use and health effects in 195 countries" 的研究報告。下了這結論: 


Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for disease burden worldwide, accounting for nearly 10% of global deaths among populations aged 15–49 years, and poses dire ramifications for future population health in the absence of policy action today. The widely held view of the health benefits of alcohol needs revising, particularly as improved methods and analyses continue to show how much alcohol use contributes to global death and disability. Our results show that the safest level of drinking is none. This level is in conflict with most health guidelines, which espouse health benefits associated with consuming up to two drinks per day. Alcohol use contributes to health loss from many causes and exacts its toll across the lifespan, particularly among men. Policies that focus on reducing population-level consumption will be most effective in reducing the health loss from alcohol use. 

醫學這東西我懂個屁, 訂閱Lancet就是為這原因, 不時看下別的範疇的知識, 往往我都是一知半解地看, 再在網上搜尋一下某些疾病的成因和病癥, 醫生處方我也會看下藥性和副作用等。對於飲酒我並不強烈反對, 只會勸籲朋友少飲, 畢竟飲酒那種亢奮不是其他食物可以帶來。The tipsy feeling is romantic. 而且我們日常吃的東西也有些於健康無益, 只要量少損害也不大, 不能下下過濾, 太執着做人就了無生趣。我自己滴酒不沾卻活得精彩。到我家吃飯的朋友已習慣不帶酒來。 

對於飲酒好處的研究當然也不少, 研究的資金來源是影響結果的主要因素, 就等如藥物的研究和處方, 本身是一門大生意, 可以極之biased。澳洲政府也頒佈了建議飲酒量: Reduce your risk: new national guidelines for alcohol consumption,  每天不超過兩個標準單位(standard drink), 這連結圖文並茂解釋了何謂標準單位。可是, 建議本身也不是講飲酒可以促進健康, 而是講減低風險。各位劉伶, 適可而止, 不飲更佳。 

猛灌黃湯, 浮一大白, 可慶歡, 可消愁, 亦正亦邪, 亢奮影響了判斷, 酒入愁腸愁更愁。昨天就有位仁兄多喝兩杯而被指非禮寫給我求助, 隨時砸了一份投資銀行的工, 活在惶恐之中, 再借酒就會步入vicious circle了。

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