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我不是寫這標題, 而是抄文。下面的報導來自今天的Sydney Morning Herald一篇專題報導的連結: 

How the 'Five Eyes' cooked up the campaign to kill Huawei 

It was a warm evening this past July when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shared a drink with the world’s most powerful intelligence network. 

Spy chiefs from the Five Eyes nations had come to a secure resort in coastal Nova Scotia for an informal evening after intense talks in nearby Ottawa. 

Trudeau, who’d spent part of the day pledging to fix a “death trap” highway in the Atlantic province, dropped in on the gathering to share some thoughts about geopolitical threats.


In the months that followed that July 17 dinner, an unprecedented campaign has been waged by those present – Australia, the US, Canada, New Zealand and the UK – to block Chinese tech giant Huawei from supplying equipment for their next-generation wireless networks.


They also knew that to contend with this challenge there was no other group of nations that enjoyed such shared knowledge, cultural affinity and technical expertise.


Since that July meeting there has been a series of rare public speeches by intelligence chiefs and a coordinated effort on banning Huawei from 5G networks. It began with one of Malcolm Turnbull’s last acts as Prime Minister.


Operation hang up on Huawei: how it happened 

February 24 - Malcolm Turnbull lobbied US spy agencies to ban Huawei and ZTE from Australian 5G network 

August 19 - Turnbull rings US President Donald Trump and tells him of the Huawei, ZTE ban 

August 23 - Australia announces Huawei, ZTE ban 

August 24 - Turnbull dumped as Prime Minister 

October 29 - Mike Burgess explains decision to ban “high risk vendors” from 5G, cites risks to critical infrastructure 

November 21 - White House slams China for increasingly frequent cyber attacks 

November 27 - New Zealand bans Huawei citing “significant network security risk” 

December 1 - Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou arrested in Vancouver 

December 7 - British Telecom says it will strip Huawei equipment out of its 3G and 4G networks and will not use in 5G 

我不好意思整篇文貼出來, 請自己click入去看。我之前討論過孟晚舟面對引渡在法庭層面的事情, 也批評了中國外交部的語調, 同時也感覺孟案是基於政治動機炮製出來的。上面這報導不是環球時報或人民日報的文章, 不是黨的喉舌。我抄出來是想那些天真無邪, 不信政治滲入法律的人看下老外的報導, 看下世界政治舞台的劇本是怎樣導演的。 

我批評中國外交部的措詞有辱國體, 持異議的人認為這才有效舒一口鳥氣, 為國家爭面子。我不會為此爭辯。一個潑婦發難, 躺地亂踼, 甚或撕破自己衣服, 連帶撕破自己的臉皮, 我不能否定在這種潑辣手段下偶然會得逞。可是, 不論如願與否, 潑婦始終是潑婦。我愛淑女。孫二娘和虎妞之流, 留給偏好潑婦的人好了。 

中國政府報復式拘捕加拿大人的做法, 我反而沒有反感。政治舉措以政治手段來回應, 天公地道, 拘捕兩個太少了, 應該多拉幾個。不要以為標少瘋了, 搞政治就用政治手腕, 搞法治是用不同標準的。

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