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我抽了Newsweek一段報導來評論, 報導全文可按連結自己看。 

"The Chinese Communist Party's callous exploitation of the tragic death of George Floyd to justify its authoritarian denial of basic human dignity exposes its true colors yet again. As with dictatorships throughout history, no lie is too obscene, so long as it serves the Party's lust for power. This laughable propaganda should not fool anyone," Pompeo wrote in the June 6 press statement. 

Secretary of State Pompeo Accuses China of Exploiting George Floyd's Death, Says 'This Laughable Propaganda Should Not Fool Anyone' 

美國國務卿Pompeo可能因為外交部新聞司司長兼發言人華春瑩一句I can't breathe而氣到七竅生煙, 所以高調反擊。這是外交肉搏巷戰, a new protocol of foreign affairs。我不諳政治所以看傻了眼, 現時的外交官真的要武林高手才行, 否則大家同場大打出手就輸蝕了。這使我想起幾年前澳洲總理Tony Abbott因民航機MH17飛越烏克蘭上空被擊落一事, 曾經說見到普京時會兜心口撞"(shirtfront), 真的要講手, Abott一定會被特務頭子出身的普京打到倒地不起。當年就有這花邊報導: 

Tony Abbott's threat to "shirtfront" Vladimir Putin caused such a sensation that Russian and American diplomats were still having fun with it 10 months later. 

Russia's Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergei Lavrov, teased his Australian counterpart, Julie Bishop, in an international meeting in August, wondering when Abbott would get around to carrying out his threat. 

"Is your prime minister still going to shirtfront my president?" Lavrov asked Bishop in his gravelly, heavily accented English at a meeting of foreign affairs ministers from 10 nations. 

The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, jumped in. Yeah, he said, "we've been putting money on the result and we're backing Putin," he announced to some levity. 

美國佬指摘共產黨八九天安門鎮壓及其他違反人權的事, 共產黨確實難以反駁, 但指摘共產黨利用George Floyd的死來宣傳卻屬五十步笑百步, 早兩天大總統見經濟數據比預期好的時候也同樣利用了Floyd作宣傳。Did he say this:  'This is a great day' for George Floyd. Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying: “This is a great thing happening for our country."  

我近日看多了很多澳洲ABC的新聞節目, 不少國會議員對特朗普及美國處理種族問題都批評得嚴厲, 罵特朗普無恥、手持聖經借宗教宣傳、為求連任不擇手段, 也訪問一位前CIA女特工, 說大總統羡慕得到習近平及金正恩的極權。這些出自老外的口, 他們罵共產黨也罵特朗普, 這是我在covid 19 lockdown最佳解悶的方法。共產黨有那個不是極權的, 罵也無新意, 民主大國也極權才是最大諷刺, 又是這一句: the pot calling the kettle black



回應 / 意見
1. 港人 2020-06-10 21:43:09
你嫖少也是無恥,一句: the pot calling the kettle black最合你


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