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當我們看到將要頒佈的國安法議論紛紛時可以見到意見是兩極的, 有人鼓掌歡迎, 有人憂心忡忡. 立法還會發展成這樣:


這說法無疑是對某些嚴重危害國家的行為, 除了由國家介定怎樣叫嚴重外, 一口氣連修訂逃犯條例失敗的問題一併解決了, 逃到香港的大陸經濟犯也可被視為嚴重危害國家安全的犯罪案件, 不用引渡, 不怕被指越境執法, 因為國安人員可名正言順在港執法, 用合法渠道把罪犯帶回大陸審訊, 方便快捷, 不用大飛, 無需脅逼, 直接以囚車押解回去。到了現在, 有人後悔當初反對第23條立法, 也應有人後悔反修例了。可惜, 據上面報導的講法, 國家全權操控這類違反國安行為的介定、拘捕、檢控及審訊, 香港已沒有話事權。曾經奮力抵抗23條立法及反修例的人, 究竟為香港造福抑或製禍, 日後自有公論。 

除了把嚴重案件送內地審訊外, 國安條例也可能訂立在香港閉門聆訊的條文, 以國家安全及機密免於外泄為理由而不准旁聽和不准任何人披露內容, 更能配合以特別法庭處理的講法, 為了配合守密, 連收押囚犯也可能另有安排。閉門聆訊(in camera)在香港並非新事物, 現行法例已存著這類條文。法例221章《刑事訴訟程序條例》第122條是相關條例: 

122. 不准公眾進入刑事法庭的權力



別胡亂說這是惡法, 這法例存在已久, 也普世通行。別罵我為政府做打手, 先看澳洲正在秘密審訊的案件: 

Bernard Collaery is being prosecuted for revealing national secrets — specifically, that Australia bugged East Timor's government building in 2004 to gain advantage in crucial oil and gas negotiations.

He faces two years in jail, but the details of the case against him, and the details of his defence, cannot be reported.

In court in Canberra earlier this month, Mr Porter used his national security powers to have the hearing held behind closed doors.

Mr Collaery said Christian Porter has chosen to pursue the prosecution.

"In a really deep sense, I think it was pretty ordinary of this young attorney to do that to me," said Mr Collaery of Mr Porter.

He is also highly critical of the secrecy provisions.

"I want to defend myself in public," he said.

"That's the hallmark of our democracy, a public trial.

"There's never been an issue of techniques being disclosed, there's never been an issue of identities being disclosed. If they were issues, there might be other charges.


(Christian Porter and a secret trial have destroyed my practice, Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery says) 

民主大國, 以間諜手法竊聽落後的友好鄰國攫取經濟利益, 也以國家安全法例打壓泄密的國民, 這算是普世的價值吧! 擴闊眼界, 就知道利益是凌駕在一切吹牛主義的頭上的。所以特朗普絕對可與金正恩同眠, 斷袖分桃也可以啊! 那些勇武的阿哥阿姐, 真希望他們認清政治面具才去犧牲, 別一味無知, 坐監也要坐得有價值, 也別一味啃老, 讓老人家吃幾口安樂茶飯。 

我不是在發牢騷, 今早看SBS傳來的新聞(澳洲民俗電台), 有這一篇訪問: 

This Hong Kong student protester fled to Australia. Now he's seeking asylum 

Jay fled to Australia before the coronavirus travel ban came in and is now waiting to hear if he will be granted a protection visa.

"It was a very urgent decision [to leave Hong Kong]. I told my parents I was leaving just 10 hours before my flight was due to take off," he says.

Since fleeing, police have been to his house to look for him.

Jay says he felt he had no choice but to leave because he has no confidence he would be treated fairly by the Hong Kong judicial system.

"I don’t think I would get a fair trial in Hong Kong because I believe it is no longer one country, two systems. I think the legal system has been destroyed by the [Hong Kong] government and the Chinese Communist Party."


這位年青人只是無數逃來申請政治庇護的其中一個, 共產黨對這些人都不感興趣, 只要澳洲政府不要大鑼大鼓就可以, 否則又再掀起宣傳戰。這位阿哥說今生無悔, 今生還長久, 現實頗殘酷, 歲月流金, 到時可能Look Back in Anger


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