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Herd Mentality

上一篇我指摘澳洲總理與特朗普稱兄道弟, 罔顧國家利益與中國這貿易夥伴交惡, 有讀者留言這樣講: 標少,澳洲政客雖說是美國跟尾狗,但亦離不開澳洲人的主流民意。在沒有客觀數據下, 我難以質疑這看法。究竟澳洲人對美國有多親近呢? 今天Sydney Morning Herald的社論提供了客觀數據, 可隨連結看這社論: America's falling prestige is as big a problem as China's rise。從這社論講到澳洲人對美國的支持率的幾段, 乾淨俐落說出現況:

Yet the US, under President Donald Trump, has suffered an unprecedented loss in prestige recently. The Pew Research Centre, which has polled attitudes to the US in 15 countries since 2003, found that just 33 per cent of Australians have a favourable view of the US, the lowest on record and down from 50 per cent a year ago.

Australians now have about the same opinion as the French about the US.

China’s prestige suffered because of its cover-ups and mistakes at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic but the poll suggests that the US’s failure to contain the virus has hurt it almost as much.

Just 14 per cent of Australians think the US has handled the pandemic well while 60 per cent think the US has handled it very badly and 25 per cent badly.

我一位舊同學問我, 澳洲總理樂意當搖尾哈巴(英文lap dog), 究竟有沒有涉私利。我只能說表面上看不到, 只是大佬擁抱下提升個人國際地位而亢奮。儘管是老奸巨滑的政客, 獲得青睞, 也難免被虛榮淹沒。Brenthen, mateship足以罔顧國家利益及人民的取向, 無償地做其打手。
我曾經講過, 拜登當選會對中國更不利, 到時澳洲人對美國的支持也會提升。儘管特朗普面目可憎, 想America Shit Again就祈求他當選, 讓他再多樹敵, 與此同時中國收斂一下強硬外交政策, 多做些利己利人的事, 就可以把損人不利己的特朗普比下去。
別為一個充滿謊言常鬧笑話的總統、依然具備連任的潛力而驚訝, 我不太了解美國人這些心態, 很直覺的感覺是, 為了霸權這兩個字(英文是supremacy一個字), 美國豬是樂意一起跟特朗普吃餿的, 可憐的是, 特朗普而佯吃, 心中暗笑, 活該你吃餿, 這正正是特朗普把herd immunity說成herd mentality的由來。對他來講, 不論是聖經、佛經、可蘭經, 都只是道具, 他拿在手裏, 拍張selfie, 再tweet幾句屁話, 一眾豬玀聞屁聞到如癡如醉了, 這就是herd mentality。
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