回應 : 2





回應 / 意見
1. 補充 2012-09-18 20:25:39








2. JD 2012-09-19 18:07:49

I am really concerned about this event...

With the weak ruling party, the PM needs to show his determination to the public. His original thought was to buy the island at national level and forbid ALL people, both Chinese and Japanese, to enter Diayutai FOREVER. In this case, the issue can somehow bury forever and the status quo can be maintained.

But the fact buying the island itself has already destroyed the "status quo" and that's something Chinese and Taiwan government cannot accept. The Japanese government is hitting the red button of Chinese Foreign Policy. They can accept joint development or the nominal control under China but actual control by Japan (in fact, that's exactly thing has been going before this incident, only Japanese patrol ships appear in that area). But when the Chinese government lost the nominal control... that's something the Chinese government cannot accept.

More intense activities will be expected: More Chinese/ Taiwanese fishermen go to the region for fishing, Japanese patrol ships stop the fishermen, Chinese Sea Patrol Ships intervene..... If the fishermen got caught by Japan, things can be arranged like last time when HK people got caught by the Japanese Sea Patrol...

But when Chinese Sea Patrol Ship and Japanese Sea Patrol Ship hits each other... that's something I don't want to see... but things are likely to happen...
Mr. Lee, agree with you, many adults nowadays need to study Chinese and World History again. With the major media backed by Western thought, the society is deeply influenced (still, I won't say it's a brainwash project) by the media. It's getting more difficult to look at the whole scenario just by reading HK news nowadays.

Just read an article written by Naom Chomsky, in his article, The Imperial Way: American Decline in Perspective, Part 2, "80% "(The Middle East and North African Nations)...felt that the region would be more secure if Iran had nuclear weapons. The same polls found that only 10% regard Iran as a threat" (1). If we are looking at the mainstream media in HK and the "Democratic Society", you will find a very different answer.

Presenting things on both sides and let the readers decide: that's how independent thought develops. But when we only have things in one side, are we helping the readers to develop biase or independent thought? ^_^

In a more layman manner, there are good guys among the gangsters and bad guys among the police. If we just simply conclude that, "all police are good guy and gangsters are bad", then can we explain "Lui Lok" and "Robinhood"?

Well, going too far I guess. I hope Patrol Ships won't hit each other... it's very likely to happen, but I don't want to see this happen on night-time news....

(1) Source: http://chomsky.info/articles/20120215.htm



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