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回應 / 意見
1. 港人 2018-08-15 12:00:44

Pennsylvania report details decades of sexual abuse by priests

Roman Catholic priests in Pennsylvania sexually abused thousands of children over a 70-year period and silenced victims through “the weaponization of faith” and a systematic cover-up campaign by their bishops, the state attorney general said on Tuesday.

An 884-page report made public by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro after a two-year investigation contained graphic examples of children being groomed and sexually abused by clergymen. It was largely based on from secret archives kept by the dioceses, including handwritten confessions by priests, he said.

“It was child sexual abuse, including rape, committed by grown men - priests - against children,” Shapiro told a press conference.

Representatives of the six Pennsylvania dioceses included in the report could not be reached for comment.


The attorney general said it was the most comprehensive report on Catholic clergy sex abuse in American history, nearly two decades after an expose of widespread abuse and cover-up in Boston that rocked the Roman Catholic church.

Several of the dioceses issued statements apologizing to victims and saying they were taking steps to ensure any criminal behavior was stopped. “The grand jury has challenged us as a Catholic diocese to put victims first and to continue to improve ways to protect children and youth,” Bishop Lawrence Persico of the Erie Diocese said in a statement.

As accusers wept behind him, Shapiro described alleged abuse by priests in six of the state’s eight dioceses, including a group of Pittsburgh clergymen accused of ordering an altar boy to strip naked and pose as Christ on the cross while they photographed him.

“The pattern was abuse, deny and cover up,” Shapiro said, adding that church officials sought to keep abuse allegations quiet long enough so they could no longer be prosecuted under Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations.

“Priests were raping little boys and girls,” Shapiro said. “They hid it all for decades.”

The report cited 301 priests, some of whom have died. Only two of the priests are still subject to prosecution.

A few of the clergymen accused in the report succeeded in having their names redacted, and Shapiro said he would argue at a Sept. 26 court hearing for making all the names public.

He said the grand jury identified about a thousand victims, but believed there may be many more.

Shapiro said that one priest had molested five sisters in one family, he said. The diocese settled with the family after requiring a confidentiality agreement, he said.

The attorney general said that Catholic bishops covered up child sexual abuse by priests and reassigned them repeatedly to different parishes. “They allowed priests to remain active for as long as 40 years,” he said.

Describing the “weaponization of faith” to silence victims, Shapiro cited several examples including one priest who allegedly told children “how Mary had to lick Jesus clean after he was born” to groom them for oral sex.

“Children were taught that this abuse was not only normal but that it was holy,” Shapiro said.

Since the Boston abuse scandal erupted in the 1990s, accusations involving American clerics have sporadically surfaced.

Theodore McCarrick, a former archbishop of Washington, resigned as a cardinal last month after accusations resurfaced that he abused a 16-year-old boy decades ago.

In recent months, Pope Francis accepted a number of resignations from Chilean bishops in a sex abuse scandal that has rocked that country.

2. 麥文本 2018-08-15 12:06:31

It simply means that we are all sinners and we cannot save ourselves.

3. 港人 2018-08-15 15:23:41
你班拜鬼教徙真是鬼迷心竅, 執迷不悟,  歪理當真理, 邪路當正路, 你的所謂 "神"就係瘟神兼神棍。
4. 麥文本 2018-08-15 17:49:53


5. 港人 2018-08-16 00:03:49
基督教推崇天理,導人向善?你呃鬼食豆腐啊?  你們導人迷信兼斂財騙色就真。

 1613年, 你們敎會顛倒黑白, 將科學說成妖言, 尼古拉·哥白尼的《天體運行論》被宗教法庭列為禁書,伽利略.伽利雷也受到警告,要他放棄哥白尼學說。伽利略沒有接受警告,繼續寫作,1632年他的《兩大世界體系的對話》出版,激怒了教會。宗教法庭把伽利略傳到法庭,並宣判他有罪,並責令他懺悔,放棄自己證明了的學說,禁止《對話》流傳。1633年被判處終生監禁。這叫基督教推崇天理? 

羅馬教皇於1715年發佈禁令,嚴禁中國教徒尊孔祭天, 拜祖先, 企圖摧毀中華文明, 這又是推崇天理?





在二次鴉片戰爭搶奪香港後, 並在香港、九龍、新界各地強佔中國人土地建立教堂, 這些教堂存在都是以鴉片毒害千千萬萬中國人獲得的紅利。沒有殘害中國的鴉片戰爭, 基督教及天主教憑甚麽能在香港各地區有立足之地兼又有種種特權? 基督教及天主教首先就是靠鴉片毒品立足香港的,讀一讀中國近代史都知啦。  這是那一類基督教推崇的天理?

南非黑人Desmond Tutu講過: "When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land." 這又解釋成何種基督教推祟的天?

6. 麥文本 2018-08-16 00:52:03


7. 港人 2018-08-16 15:25:30

你講的聖經是由數不清的人物(有真實的、有老作的)在過去千多二千年斷斷續續一改再政篇寫的一本包含神話故事、歷史故事、傳說故事、摻雜歪理、哲理、虛構故事、謊言混合而成的書(內容到最近100年才不再改動), 其內容矛盾重重並且吹牛叫聖經。類似這種書中國也有:就是《封神演義》。這樣一本書吹牛叫聖經”, 對只要讀多一點書的中國人來說就是個笑談。中國人的經書種類絕對比猶太人所謂聖經豐富得多。例如,詩經、易經、道德經 、左傳、論語、南華經、尚書、孝經、論語、爾雅、山海經等等。


對於所謂祭祖不如敬拜創造人類包括我們祖先的真神”,你所講的真神, 只係猶太人及信耶教人一廂情願的天真觀點而已。耶蘇是人,不是神。猶太人是閃族的一支,真實的耶蘇樣子皮膚就像阿拉伯人, 頭髮黑色蜷曲的, 決不是金頭髪藍眼睛北歐面孔。那個金頭髪藍眼睛北歐面孔的耶蘇是假貨。你們連這都造假欺騙世人,真是可惡。耶教人自以為高人一等, 自私自利,不但不尊重其他文明, 還唯我獨尊,踐踏並排拆其他文明文化, 到處不擇手段硬銷耶蘇敎, 賤格兼乞人僧。


中華文明比猶太文明至少長二千年,文明發達程度遠比猶太人豐富,可說是雞髀同牛髀對比的巨大差距。中國是世上唯一能廷綿不斷兼人口最龐大的文明國家。  中國人不只拜祭祖先、也拜祭先賢。中國人對祖先的拜祭是慎終追遠, 感激離世父母的養育之恩, 懷念祖先,以示不數典忘祖、不忘根本, 是孝道; 拜祭先賢是中國人對先賢對國家民族在不同領域有立德、立功、立言貢獻的敬仰, 對先賢其人其事的愐懷, 先賢立身處世、嘉言善行是後輩的仿效對象, 是後輩對中華文明廷續必須的担當。







8. 麥文本 2018-08-16 17:38:52




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