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從歷史可以看到,國家「盛極必衰,衰極必盛」:埃及、亞述、巴比倫、波斯、希臘和羅馬帝國都曾經有過一段輝煌的歷史,但是因為權力鬥爭、腐敗和戰爭種種問題,帝國終於衰敗沒落;近代歷史的奧圖曼帝國(Ottoman Empire)、大不列顛和前蘇聯逃不過這個歷史演變過程,相信美國亦不能停止歷史巨輪的轉動。 



·   中國擁有全世界最大的市場,低成本的人力、物力資源可以負責科研與生產;

·   香港有國際金融中心地位和高質素的專業人材,可以負責融資、法律支援、運籌業務推廣;

·   台灣是很多世界著名企業的生產伙伴,有深厚的經驗基礎,可以專注研究設計。






「硬實力」(Soft Power);是一個國家利用其軍事力量經濟實力影響其他國家的能力,而一個國家的強盛,除了軍事經濟之外,還需要加強文化、價值觀、意識形態和外交政策在國際關係中的影響力,這就是「軟實力」的作用;例如美國的大學和機構研究報告、CNN電視台、時代週刊(Time Magazine)、荷里活電影、電視台片集、迪士尼樂園、可口可樂、麥當奴漢堡包與星巴克咖啡店(Starbucks)等都是美國軟實力的一部份,無時無刻將「大美國主義」思想和生活方式,潛移默化地滲透影響全世界。






回應 / 意見
1. 港人 2020-05-12 09:40:55

Cardinal Pell 'knew of' clergy abuse, says Australian royal commission

7 May  2020

Cardinal George Pell knew of child sexual abuse by priests in Australia as early as the 1970s but failed to take action, a landmark inquiry found.

The findings on Cardinal Pell - an ex-Vatican treasurer - come from Australia's royal commission into child sexual abuse, which ended in 2017.

Details were only revealed on Thursday. A court had previously redacted the report because the cleric was facing child abuse charges at the time.

The cardinal has denied the findings.

He said he was "surprised" by the inquiry's report, adding: "These views are not supported by evidence."

Cardinal Pell was convicted of child abuse in 2018, but last month was released from jail after Australia's top court overturned his conviction.

What did the inquiry find about Pell?

In over 100 pages concerning Pell's actions, the commissioners found the cardinal knew of paedophile priests both early in his career, and as he progressed.

In particular, the commissioners dismissed the cleric's long-stated defence that he didn't know about the actions of his former colleague Gerard Ridsdale. in the Victorian city of Ballarat.

Ridsdale is in jail for hundreds of child abuse offences - and is considered Australia's worst convicted paedophile priest.

"We are satisfied that in 1973 Father Pell turned his mind to the prudence of Ridsdale taking boys on overnight camps," the commissioners said in the report.

"We are also satisfied that by 1973, Cardinal Pell was not only conscious of child sexual abuse by clergy, but he also considered measures of avoiding situations which might provoke gossip about it," the commission said.

Pell was involved in the decision to transfer Ridsdale, as well other suspected abusers, to different parishes, the inquiry said.

Since the 1990s, the cardinal has been criticised in Australia for his response to priest abuse within the Church.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse was set up in 2012, largely in response to allegations surrounding the Catholic Church.

In 2016, when Cardinal Pell testified at the royal commission from Rome, he apologised on behalf of the church and said it had "mucked things up".

However he did not accept any responsibility for failing to report Ridsdale and several other suspected abusers. He claimed he had been deceived by other senior clergymen.

But in relation to one such claim, the commissioners said: "We do not accept that Bishop Pell was deceived, intentionally or otherwise."

Australia's royal commission inquiry found that the greatest number of reported abusers were in Catholic institutions.

The inquiry heard that 7% of the nation's Catholic priests allegedly abused children between 1950 and 2010.

BBC News


2. 麥文本 2020-05-12 09:54:47




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