回應 : 3
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1. cman 2011-11-23 10:08:13
You're absolutely right in mentioning the Hongy students and that is the reflection of their parents, the society and the total Hongy culture.  It was quite shameful when I occassionally saw a broadcast that a bunch of Hongy students couldn't even say a word when confront with another bunch of Beijin students in talk of international polictical envirnoment!  
2. www 2011-11-23 15:15:10

I just want to highlight that the competition of examinations in China are much higher and more stressful than those in HK.  Parents in China are also extremely exam oriented...  However, I agree that local students lack confidence to express their views in public, unlike those in China.

Don't be fooled by those media saying that the education in HK is the worst in the world... They have their own political backgrounds.

Educations in Western countries have their own problems, otherwise, they won't shift their attention towards asian style education, focus more on examinations.

3. Haha 2011-11-29 19:00:34

You are talking some other subject else?



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