回應 : 18
回應 / 意見
1. 21HOLDING.CM 2009-04-19 11:31:23
2. Poor Guy Andy 2009-04-20 00:36:52

我們應該鼓勵慎重而深思熟慮的冒險行動-─ 大家進行冒險活動之前,必須一律作出認真的風險評估,採取適當而充足的保險措施,支援冒險期間有可能出現的任何差池,保險措施不當或不足,後果可以不堪設想。

many well or bad educated ppl like Andy do not have 訐估風險's 智慧, he said he is pro., good english, well educated so forget it.


3. Poor Guy Supporters of Mr. Lau 2009-04-20 01:32:21

Do you all (supporters of Mr. Lau) know exactly what means Risk Management ?

I don't think you know very much. Risk manangement also requires to use many Statistics, mathematical modelling and financial models knowledge to estimate your so called risk ?

I don't think you know Statistics or Mathematical modelling. Then, talking about risk management just make me laughting.  You know you just like a baby still cannot talk but try to learn singing at all ?

Bullshit here again. Read more books about Statistics before talking risk management !

I don't think all supporters of Mr. Lau is also Professional ? Good English ? or even well educated ? Just nothings at all ?

4. Poor Guy Supporters of Mr. Lau 2009-04-20 01:33:38
訐估風險's Bullshit at all for ALL supporters of Mr. Lau.
5. Poor Guy Supporters of Mr. Lau 2009-04-20 01:37:13

鱷魚潭 really comes from "Poor Guy supporters of Mr. Lau"

腦動力 have a wrong name here is no points at all.  All things have risk, how to interpret it is important (at least) !

6. 不該Andy 2009-04-20 11:40:10

I don't think you know Statistics or Mathematical modelling. Then, talking about risk management just make me laughting.

訐估風險's Bullshit at all for ALL supporters of Mr. Lau.

請Andy 發表樓市5月至6月的評估,否則,你就是不該,一咪得把口。

7. 不該supporters of Mr. Lau 2009-04-20 12:34:22

Why you just ask me ? You can ask yourself ! Many guys from securities firm also say good prospect for the HK property market.

否則,你就是不該,一咪得把口 say bad things abut property market !

8. 公開狠批Andy 2009-04-20 14:18:33

www.property.hk出現一位自稱財經專家,自稱well educated,自稱professional,自稱good English,自稱大學畢業(我覺得Andy可能讀料理農務系) 的Andy,




9. news 2009-04-20 14:55:39
《大公報》稱,栢慧72小時內售清,新樓吸走資金50億,新盤熾熱二手交投急挫30%。樓市一面天堂、一面地獄!過去兩日新盤銷情火爆,長實(00001)旗下天水圍栢慧豪廷兩日再售48 伙,全數1068伙不足72 小時全數沽清,新地(00016)旗下新蒲崗譽‧港灣兩日共售近500 伙,兩盤一口氣「吸走」市場上共50 億元資金。然而,新盤市場的成功卻直接將二手樓市推到萬劫不復的深淵,過去兩日十大屋苑交投量跌近三成,除天水圍嘉湖山莊外,其餘9 大屋苑交投量全線報跌,同樣與譽‧港灣位於東南九龍的黃埔花園更「吞蛋」收場。有市場人士認為,新盤已「吸乾」樓市所有購買力,樓市「小陽春」恐成強弩之末。
10. Bystander 2009-04-20 15:15:43


What exactly do you know about statistics? Kindly use your models to forecast the trend of the prices for the property market at various locations for the next 6 to 12 months.

I also happen to be a stats major and got 2 masters degree at MIT and LSE so don't try to test me on any theories or models you deem appropriate to draw your precious conclusions, since a debate on anything academic doesn't interest me and provides me with no challenges whatsoever. 

Why don't you enlighten us with your views with some detailed analysis in CHINESE rather than typing meaningless English with nothing to support your conclusions?


11. 命硬 2009-04-20 23:40:24
12. Poor Guy Supporters of Mr. Lau 2009-04-21 00:54:16
出現一位自稱專家,我覺得可能讀農務系, 他多次發表樓市 bad news,但無數據,無圖表,無邏輯的觀點,不但止,還膽敢批評other 樓評人
13. Andy 2009-04-21 00:58:53

Bystander , What exactly do you know about statistics and Database mining (or so called Data mining)? Even if you are Statistics major, I think you may not know Data Mining.  Because I have Bachelor degree majors in Statistics and Mathematics and Master degree major in Computer Science.

I like to type English because I usually to type it instead of Chinese in my everyday work.  You have no point to argue here again to use English. We discuss property market here and do NOT discuss whether to use English or Chinese. It is meaningless !

14. 公開狠批Supporters of Mr. Lau 2009-04-21 01:36:22
批評別人不打緊,呢位"Poor guy",冇料到之餘又大鳴大放,浪費大家網友時間
15. Bystander 2009-04-21 02:12:23


Please don't simply put down the names of the technology without stating their use or your proposed conclusions.

So what particular aspect about Database mining would you like to talk about and what is your point in mentioning this?

What is your conclusion and forecast using this technology regarding the price trend in the property market for the next 6-12 months?

Please state your answer!

There is no point just to mention a term and a few of your qualifications (if that is real) and try to bluff your way out. What is your conclusion and how do you reach that conclusion?

AND one more thing, data mining and database mining are DIFFERENT! so when you said, "Database mining (or so called Data mining)", you are already WRONG! Go check with your professor if you don't believe me.....


16. Andy 2009-04-22 00:37:22

Bystander, You can give me your conclusion first and forecast using your so called techniques of skills for your prediction of the price trend in the property market for the next 6-12 months. 

You have a wrong concept (always say next 6 to 12 months), do you know what means short term forecasting and long term forecasting in Statistics.  Otherwise, I think your degree was bought from overseas only.

The Data mining is a new technique for finding underlined relationship from a large amounts data (without outliers).  Of course, I know what is Database mining and Data mining. You can also ask your professor (who are expertise in these area) if you don't know the difference and their actual meaning.


17. Andy 2009-04-22 01:07:24

Bystander, if you don't know any professor who are expertise in Database Mining or Data Mining.

You can refer the following link (hope that you can understand), don't ask me again for the next 6 to 12 months prediction of property prices.  Study this technique first !


18. 以小搏大 2009-04-23 10:38:21




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